Friday, 30 November 2012

Miss Morris's Comments

Excellent work Molly, you have use appropriate images to clearly communicate your character's personality.

Target - use fades and effects on your images to create a collage effect. This will help create an overall image rather than having separate images


From Miss Morris


Brilliant work Molly, you have clearly identified appropriate locations, explained why they would be suitable and identified health and safety issues. You have also offered some solutions to the safety issues you have identified.

Target – describe the specific details in the location that will suit your mockumentary. This will help show a detailed understanding of what you want to create and how you are planning on achieving this.


Excellent work Molly, you have asked questionnaires about the demographic profile of your target audience and presented your results using graphs. You have also made some conclusions based on your data!

Target – ask questions that relate to the mockumentary so you can make decisions based on your understanding of your audiences likes and dislikes.



My character profile for Amy.

Friday, 23 November 2012

My presentation evaluation

My Presentation Evaluation.

My presentation was a pitch for our mockumentaries, it included a short intro about the 1st episode, the target audience, a recce. Story board(1st scene only), the main character profiles and treatment. The role that I played was making the target audience and explaining it to the class, from the peer assessment sheets I received my strong points were:  “speaking clearly and communicating her ideas” “projecting her voice and working as a team” and “describing her ideas effectively.”  During the presentation I felt that I could confidently deliver my part of the presentation as I had memorised what I was meant to say, that it what I was most proud of in my presentation.  i was good at speaking clearly and loudly because I am a loud person anyway, so that was not hard, I was good at keeping eye contact because I had memorised my lines so I didn’t not need to look down at them which would’ve broke my eye contact with the audience. One of my weaknesses during my speaking part was ( also what the peer assessment sheets said) “to not lean on the table, and stand straight” “to not get distracted)  I think this happened because I was very tired as I did not get much sleep that night. In the future to improve I need to stand up straight and look more professional, I can do this by remembering that I am being watched that my body language can affect my presentation positively and negatively.

- i had no peer assesment on my work, but miss morris said it to me.